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What is Turner Syndrome? 

Turner Syndrome is a genetic disorder where one of the secondary sex chromosomes that make one genetically female (46, XX) is either completely missing or deformed in someway.


Symptoms of Turner Syndrome may include:

  • Short Stature 

  • Neck "webbing"

  • Hearing Loss

  • Reduced Fertility

  • Many Moles 

  • Lymphedema (fluid build-up in hands and feet)

  • Hypertension 

  • Diabetes 

  • Educational Difficulties 

  • Middle Ear Infections 

Early Signs/Symptoms of TS (Newborn/Infants)

  • Puffy hands/feet

  • Short neck with "webbed" appearance 

  • Low hairline on back of neck 

  • Low-set ears 

  • Soft nails that turn upward 

Diagnosing/Testing for Turner Syndrome 

If you suspect you or a loved one has TS, contact your healthcare provider and ask for a Karyotype blood test. This is a special blood test that analyzes chromosomes. 

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